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39 Fun Husband and Wife Questions

They say that as the years roll by, some married couples grow apart. Why is that? I do not want to be a statistic! And I’m sure you don’t either. Yes, we’re busy. But if we don’t invest time in our relationship now, we could wake up one day and not know really know the men next to us anymore, let alone their hearts. Let’s avoid that bleak future! Start investing more time with your husband now. Talk. Cuddle. Some fun husband and wife questions might just be the type of silly conversations you need right now to stay close.

Take turns asking each other these questions and see how well you both do. These 39 husband and wife questions are fun to do on a date, on a long drive, and even on the couch after the kids are in bed. Just start asking today and see what happens.

Turn back the clock with these husband and wife questions.

Find out some more about the person you married. Have you ever covered these topics?

1. Did you ever get in trouble at school as a kid?
2. What were you like in gym class?
3. Were you a good influence on your sibling(s)?
4. What was your nickname as a kid?
5. Who was your childhood best friend?
6. What did you want to be when you were little?
7. Who was your childhood hero?
8. Did you decorate your locker in middle school?
9. Did you have acne trouble as a kid?
10. When was your first kiss?
11. As a kid, how did you learn about the birds and the bees?
12. When did you start getting interested in dating?
13. What’s the most embarrassing thing you did as a tween/teen?
14. What was the happiest time of your childhood?

Dig deeper with these husband and wife questions.

Asking questions can draw you closer to each other and build emotional intimacy.

15. What’s something you do now that you wish you’d never have to do again?
16. Do you believe in coincidences? Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
17. If someone gifted you a million dollars, what would you do with it?
18. What’s your favorite physical feature? (What’s your favorite physical feature about your spouse?)
19. What’s the wildest thing you’ve ever done?
20. Do you have any fears? Is there anything that you think holds you back in life?
21. How do you want to leave your imprint on this world after you’re gone?
22. What do you wish were different about your life right now?
23. Do you have any regrets?
24. If you could improve one thing about yourself, what would it be?
25. What’s been the biggest blessing in your life?
26. What genre would you assign to the story of your life? (thriller, romance, mystery, etc.)
27. What one thing in your past would you like to do over?

Lighten the mood with these fun husband and wife questions.

Nothing serious here. Just a little fun. You could put these questions in a bowl and ask each other a few each evening before bed. Or, you could simply read them off your phone as you’re sitting side-by-side on the couch. Because why not? The more time you put into each other, the stronger your relationship will be.

28. Do you know my coffee order?
29. What’s the perfect way to spend your day?
30. If you could invite any five people to a dinner party, who would they be and why?
31. Can you recall the color of my toothbrush? Or my hairbrush?
32. Where would you go with a free plane ticket?
33. What makes you happy about our marriage?
34. What’s one difference between us that you like?
35. If our house caught fire and you could only save what you could carry to the curb, what would you bring with you?
36. What quality do you love most about me?
37. Do you know my dreams for the future?
38. What’s the first thing you think about in the morning? The last thing at night?
39. If you were given $500 to spend on me, what would you buy?

What is something you’d like to gain from asking your husband these questions? More fun? More connection? Or something else?

If you’d like more romance in your relationship, pass on this article to your husband: 8 Romantic Things Wives Want Their Husbands to Do.


If you had the power to make one big change at your school, what would that change be?

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