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Free & Cute Printable Lunchbox Notes for Girls

It’s lunchtime! When your daughter sits down in front of her lunchbox in the cafeteria at school, what does she look forward to most? Maybe it’s the fruit snacks or the Cheez-Its or the pretzels. But there’s something you can add to her packed lunch that will be just as exciting for her as her favorite lunchtime side dish: iMOM’s lunchbox notes for girls.

Your daughter spends eight hours a day at school—and some school days can be tough. You can lighten your daughter’s load with these free and cute printable lunchbox notes for girls. Slip one into her lunchbox to brighten her day, to thank her for her hard work, to commend her for her courage, and to express what all girls need to know: how loved she is. No matter who she sits with or what she has to eat, she will be uplifted when she is encouraged by the fun note you left for her.

So keep them in a secret (but handy) place, and after lunch is packed, grab your scissors and cut out the note that you think will bring a smile to your daughter’s face. Feel free to add that extra bit of sparkle and color that makes girls smile. Really, can you ever have enough flowers and rainbows? You could even print these lunchbox notes for girls on adhesive paper and stick one to a bag of chips or to those beloved fruit snacks. As she opens the bag, she’ll be smiling because she knows her mom believes in her and thinks she’s one of the best kids around. 

If you have sons, we have lunchbox notes made just for them, but that’s not all. We have so many more free lunchbox notes, including ones created specifically for holidays, some for the end of the school year, and even notes for highschoolers!

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