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Take the Kindness Challenge

What if I told you that the simple act of kindness could change your relationship with your child? Would you believe me? It can and Shaunti Feldhahn proved it in her research. You can read more about the details in her book The Kindness Challenge. We are believers and we want you to experience the relationship building that comes from being kind.

With Shaunti’s permission, we have created the 30 Day Kindness Challenge for Moms.  iMOM challenges you to do three small things for your child every day:

  1. Say nothing negative about them or to them.
  2. Praise them for one positive thing.
  3. Do one small act of kindness for them.

The printable below gives a daily idea for one of the three to get started. Write your progress in the margin, and in just one month’s time, you will have a remarkably stronger relationship with your child. Remember, what changes a relationship is doing all three, every day, even if you use entirely different ideas. Try not to drift into the habit of thinking the ‘tip of the day’ is the entire challenge.

Are you ready to take the Kindness Challenge?

Looking for other 30-day challenge ideas? Just click here!

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