Tiny hands are capable of more than we give them credit for. If you’re wondering if your toddler is able to help with chores, we’re here with a resounding yes! Our free printable toddler chore chart is a cute way to help your little ones feel a sense of accomplishment when they chip in around the house.
If you’re wondering where to get started with chores for toddlers, consider the movements your child is already doing. Is he squatting down to pat the sleeping dog on the head? Then your toddler chore chart should include reaching under the couch for toys and lost socks. Does she pull toys off the shelves? Then she can remove clothes from the dryer. Does he love shooting pint-sized hoops with his tiny basketball? Then he will be an expert at dunking dirty clothes into a hamper.
We have a couple of chore chart options for you. On one, you can write the chores on the line. On the other, you can test your art skills and sketch a drawing of what needs to be done—a tiny shirt to represent laundry or a plate and fork to remind your toddler it’s her job to clear her spot at the table.
Whichever option you choose, remember to celebrate big every time you add a sticker or a checkmark to the chart. As exciting as it is that your child is able to stack cups or put books back on a shelf, the bigger win is that he’s learning he’s a helper. You’re giving your child a sense of belonging in your family and a constant reminder that he’s important and capable.
So print your toddler chore chart today. And maybe print a second or third one in case the permanent marker comes out before you get a chance to laminate it.
Need a chore chart for a bigger kid or for the whole family? Here are more free printable chore charts.