So fresh and so clean! If that’s not how you’d describe your home, then our printable chore chart for adults is the perfect organization tool to get you on track. You might already have a chart for your kids’ chores, but adults need help keeping track of what needs to be done and when. Otherwise, the dust bunnies start hopping around and the shower scum builds. One day at a time and one task at a time—that’s how you keep the mess from becoming overwhelming.
Check out these two kinds of chore charts for adults. One divides up the chores by frequency. Some tasks have to be done daily, like putting dishes in the dishwasher or making the bed. Others can wait a few days and only be done on a weekly basis, like wiping down the sinks and mirrors or sweeping the kitchen. And then there are the monthly tasks, like changing the air filter and dusting the fan paddles. Those are the ones that are easiest to forget!
Our other chore chart for adults is divided into parts of the house. Look around and see what needs to be done in each area, jot it down and then check those boxes as you make your way from room to room. You can knock it all out in one weekend or assign part of the house to a day of the week. Monday is kitchen day, Thursday is bedroom day, and on Sundays, we put our feet up and rest!
We have chore charts for kids, too, so print one out and get the kids involved. As they see you doing your list, they’ll learn from your example and know that it takes teamwork to get a job done well. These chore charts for adults are simple, yet beautiful and would look great on your freshly polished fridge. Ooh, add that to your “weekly” list!
We have a ton more chore charts here.