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10 Texts to Send Your Husband in the Next 10 Days

Look back over your last 10 texts to your husband. How many of them were encouraging, affectionate, flirty… really anything other than a grocery request, news about one of the kids, or a reminder about something around the house? We forget that we have these little tools at our disposal that can help us nurture our relationships. We use our phones to connect with friends, so why not use them for cute texts to send your husband?

Thankfully, texting is a fast and easy way to show our husbands we love them. Will your husband think something’s up because of your sudden change of tone? Who cares? Do it anyway! Do you need help with some ideas for texts to send your husband? Here’s what my husband said would be 10 great texts to send a guy.

I recently challenged husbands with 10 texts for husbands to send to their wives in the next 10 days, but this challenge is to the ladies. Textcute text to send your husband marriage challenge these every day for 10 days. By day three, he’ll probably start to see a pattern and ask what’s going on. He might even start to reciprocate! And after the 10 days are up, if you’re ready to set another goal, take iMOM’s 30 Day Marriage Challenge. Our printable will help you keep it front and center and make your marriage a priority.

Text #1

Just wanted you to know that you are on my mind today. I’m your biggest fan and cheering you on!

Text #2

We have made some great memories together. Thinking of them and thankful for you today.

Text #3

I appreciate your hard work, even though I may not say it often enough.

Text #4

If there were more men like you in this world, it would be a better place. Glad we are on the same team in life.

Text #5

If you feel burdened by anything today, remember that I want to help you. Let me know if I can do anything!

Text #6

I’m looking forward to having some time alone with you soon. Let’s plan something!

Text #7

You are really good at ________. I’m honored to be married to you and I believe in you.

Text #8

If you asked me to marry you again today, even after all we’ve been through, I’d still say “I do!”

Text #9

I appreciate that you try to show me you love me in different ways. Thanks for ________, which I know means you love me.

Text #10

The day’s been rough, the week’s been long, but I’m still so glad we’re in this adventure together. I love you.

You can also check out 10 Texts to Send Your Kids or Grandkids in the Next 10 Days.

Tell us some other ideas for cute texts to send your husband in the comments below. 


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